Monday, July 14, 2014

Soda Fountain, installed and working

The soda fountain is installed, and up and running.  Still lots of finishing and tweaking left to do, but the general workings of it are done.  Yay.  Had my first glass of coke!

Things that still need doing:

1) Need to check for leaks, and move the tower all the way back down the counter.
2) I'm not happy with the connection between the RO line and the water inlet for the carbonator.  I need to find a better connection fitting.  Be aware if you do this, the tubing is not compatible at all.
3) I'd like to get a pressure gauge on the water line to verify I have the right pressure.
4) I think the upper cabinet will need to be vented.  That coldplate generates way more heat than I would have imagined.
5) Need to get ahold of syrup.  It came with a single 2.5g box of coke, which was handy, as it allowed me to set it all up and test on the first day.  Sprite will be easy.  I originally wanted A&W root beer, but that is starting to look very unlikely.  As far as I can tell, nobody sells it.

More on syrup later. For now, YAY soda in my kitchen!

Soda tower

Here, you can see the tower, which is close to it's final location.  I need to push it back about a foot eventually.  For now, it's sitting forward so I can make sure there are no leaks in the syrup/soda lines coming out of it.

The coldplate, and carbonator, installed in their final resting place. The carbonator has a single clear tubing lime coming out the side.  I'm not sure what it's for. Just in case it's something zany, I have it running into a cup for now.  It appears to not be spitting out water though, so I should be good.


The syrup lines needed to be extended by about 5 feet to reach the pumps, splices were added.

The CO2 canister, and my one, lonely box of coke.  More to come.

And finally, the syrup pumps all wired up.  Interestingly, these run purely off CO2.  No power needed.  I thought for sure they would be electric, but nope.  Oddly, the tower IS electric, so it needed power.  Also worth noting, they vent CO2 right out the side when operating, so, umm, hrmm.  Not sure yet how to handle that.

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